About us and donation account

Content of this page

  1.     Goals of the SIV gUG initiative
  2.     Description of the SIV gUG initiative
  3.     Donation account
  4.     Register entries

1. Goals of the initiative SIV gUG

The company pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the “tax-privileged purposes” section of the German Tax Ordinance. The purpose of the company is to promote nature conservation, environmental protection, climate protection, local beautification and accident prevention. The purpose of the statutes is realized through globally possible transport solutions, including climate-neutral, accident-free, barrier-free and individual transport with car-free, humane roads, with a borderless ticket system, with fast freight trains for more trucks on the railways and ecological industrial estates. With political campaigns, lobbying and work as an NGO and iNGO, the solutions are to be made known worldwide and their implementation supported worldwide with consultations and lectures. The company is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The company's funds may only be used for the statutory purposes.

JM 19.01.2025

2. Description of the initiative SIV gUG

We are a non-profit limited liability company (gUG) that presents practical results that can be implemented quickly in the transport sector, as very little is actually happening in the transport sector at the moment.


"Nothing happens until you move."


We work here completely independently and freely, even though everyone is always connected somewhere.


But here we are free.


We use ideas in the marketplace and bring them together in a new way and try to help nature and our planet.

JM 19.01.2025


3. Donate to us

We appreciate every donation that helps us all move forward in the area of mobility and climate protection. Thank you very much. Here are our account details:

Account holder:                        Initiative SIV gUG

Account no:                               DE60 3106 0181 5316 8640 09

BIC:                                             GENODED1GBM

Bank Institute:                          Gladbacher Bank Aktiengesellschaft von 1922

Please write only the

purpose of use:                      - Donation -
and then write an e-mail to:    initiative-siv@t-online.de

with your data:                        name, company if applicable, address, telephone number and e-mail address


You will then receive the donation receipt by e-mail.


Thank you very much

4. Register entries

  •     Registered in the Transparency Register of the Federal Republic of Germany under no. 7700875444,
  •     Registered in the Lobby Register of the German Bundestag under no. R007168,

If you find any errors, we are grateful for any advice.